
7 Tips for Computer Use After LASIK Eye Surgery

Waite Vision understands the importance of returning to your daily activities after undergoing LASIK (laser assisted in situ keratomileusis). This article is written to guide you through the best practices for using computers after LASIK surgery, ensuring a smooth and comfortable transition back to screen time. We’ll cover everything from recommended screen time limits to eye care tips that help maintain your newfound vision. Our goal is to empower you with the knowledge to protect your vision while embracing the digital world.

How soon can I use the computer after LASIK?

The use of computers and digital devices are generally advised against for the first 24 hours post-surgery to ensure the eyes remain strain-free and are allowed to rest adequately. Following this initial rest period, patients are advised to gradually reintegrate computer use and exposure to other digital screens over the first 2-3 weeks. This careful, phased approach is designed to avoid exacerbating the natural dryness that may occur as a result of the surgery and to prevent any unnecessary strain that could hinder the healing process.

Resting the eyes completely, especially during the first 24 hours after LASIK, is crucial for a speedy recovery. This means significantly limiting the use of all forms of digital screens, such as desktop computers, televisions, tablets, and smartphones. The reason behind this recommendation stems from the fact that eye surgery, including LASIK, tends to induce a certain level of eye dryness. Proper lubrication plays a critical role in the healing process, and the use of computers and other screens during this sensitive time can increase dryness, lead to eyestrain, and potentially slow down the eye’s ability to heal and regenerate. Waite Vision is committed to ensuring your vision recovery is as smooth and effective as possible, guiding you every step of the way to achieve the best possible outcomes from your LASIK surgery.

7 Tips for Computer Use After LASIK

  1. No Screens Right After Surgery – Immediately following your LASIK procedure, it’s recommended to avoid screen usage for the first 24 to 48 hours. This period is vital for the initial healing of your eyes, so instead of scrolling through social media or watching TV, use this time to rest and recuperate.

  2. Limit Screen Use in the First Week – As you gradually return to your daily routines, be mindful of your screen time. Although avoiding computers and other screens entirely might not be feasible, especially for work, try to reduce exposure where possible. If your job demands extended screen time, incorporate breaks and limit non-essential screen use outside of work to give your eyes ample rest.

  3. Blink Often – Computer use tends to reduce blink frequency, leading to increased eye dryness and discomfort. Make a conscious effort to blink more often, ensuring each blink is full and complete. This helps in restoring moisture and essential nutrients to your eyes, mitigating dryness and fatigue.

  4. Use Eye Drops – Keeping your eyes moist is key, particularly for those who spend a lot of time in front of screens. Follow your surgeon’s recommendations for lubricating eye drops, keeping them handy at your workstation for frequent application. This step is crucial in the first 2-3 months post-surgery but remains beneficial for prolonged computer use.

  5. Adopt the 20-20-20 Rule – The 20-20-20 rule serves as a guideline for all individuals who use screens regularly, not just post-LASIK patients. Every 20 minutes, take a moment to look at something 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds. This practice helps relax the eye muscles and encourages blinking, providing a much-needed break from screen exposure.

  6. Ensure Adequate Sleep – Adequate sleep is paramount after undergoing LASIK surgery, as it plays a critical role in the healing process. Ensure you’re getting enough rest, possibly more than usual during the initial recovery phase. Sleep helps in eye moisture restoration and overall recovery.

  7. Maintain Proper Distance and Ergonomics – The distance between your eyes and the computer monitor should be between 16 and 30 inches, with 20 to 26 inches being the sweet spot for most. Adjust the top of your monitor to be at or slightly below eye level, tilting it away at a 10- to 20-degree angle for optimal viewing. Additionally, a comfortable workstation with an adjustable chair can help maintain proper posture and distance from your screen, contributing to a more eye-friendly computer use experience.

Remember, these guidelines apply to all electronic screens, not just computers. By adhering to these simple yet effective practices, you can safeguard your eyes, ensuring they remain healthy and well-lubricated, thereby preserving the positive effects of your LASIK surgery.

Are you ready to take the next step in your vision journey?

Navigating the Digital World Post-LASIK

Adjusting to life after LASIK doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice your digital habits, but it does mean being mindful of how you reintegrate them into your daily routine. By following the practical steps outlined in this guide, you can enjoy the benefits of your enhanced vision without compromising the health of your eyes. Embrace these changes with patience and care, and remember, your eyes are adjusting to a new way of seeing the world.

Ready to take the next step in your vision journey? Contact Waite Vision today to learn more about how LASIK can transform your life and how to navigate the post-surgery world with ease. Let us help you see the world more clearly and get back to doing what you love, with the confidence that comes from Dr. Waite’s expert care.

More FAQ’s About Computer Use After LASIK

How can I reduce glare on my computer screen after LASIK?

We recommend adjusting your screen settings to reduce brightness and contrast to comfortable levels, as glare can be more pronounced post-LASIK. Consider using a matte screen filter to further minimize glare. Ensuring your workspace is well-lit without direct light on the screen or your eyes also helps reduce glare and strain.

Is it safe to use blue light filters on my computer after LASIK?

Yes, using blue light filters on your computer post-LASIK is safe and can be beneficial. These filters can reduce eye strain by limiting the amount of blue light emitted by your screen, which is particularly helpful during the healing process when your eyes may be more sensitive.

Can computer use worsen my LASIK results?

Moderate computer use, with appropriate breaks and precautions, should not worsen your LASIK results. However, excessive screen time without following the recommended guidelines can lead to dryness and strain, potentially affecting your comfort and recovery.

What screen brightness is recommended after LASIK surgery?

After LASIK, we advise setting your computer screen to a brightness level that matches the ambient lighting in your room. Too bright or too dim can cause strain. Ideally, your screen should not be the brightest or darkest object in your surroundings to maintain comfort and reduce eye strain.

How long should I wait before playing video games after LASIK?

Similar to computer use, we recommend waiting at least 24 hours before engaging in video game play post-LASIK. Gradually increase your playtime over the following weeks, and ensure you take regular breaks to rest your eyes. Listen to your body; if you experience discomfort, take a break.

Are there specific computer glasses recommended after LASIK?

While many patients find they no longer need corrective lenses for computer use after LASIK, some may benefit from glasses designed to reduce blue light exposure or glare. Consult with Dr. Waite about whether such glasses could be beneficial for you during your recovery period.

How often should I blink while using the computer after LASIK?

Post-LASIK, it’s important to make a conscious effort to blink frequently while using the computer to prevent dry eyes. Aim for a full blink every 10 seconds. Placing post-it note reminders around your workstation can help maintain this healthy habit during prolonged screen use.

Can I use eye drops while working on the computer after LASIK?

We often recommend the use of preservative-free artificial tears for our post-LASIK patients, especially during computer or tablet computer work. Applying eye drops regularly can alleviate dryness and discomfort, enhancing your screen time experience.

Should I follow a specific diet to improve my screen time after LASIK?

While there’s no specific diet for computer use post-LASIK, maintaining a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins C and E, and zinc can support eye health and potentially improve the comfort of screen use. Hydration is also key; drink plenty of water to help maintain eye moisture.

What if I experience significant discomfort while using the computer after LASIK?

If you experience significant discomfort during computer use post-LASIK, it’s important to pause and rest your eyes. Persistent discomfort may warrant a check-up with your Dr. Waite to ensure your recovery is on track and to discuss whether any adjustments to your screen use or overall eye care regimen are needed.

source https://www.waitevision.com/lasik-utah/7-tips-for-computer-use-after-lasik-eye-surgery/

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